Arriva la bella principessa

Ciao a tutti

It has clearly been far to long since I clicked on the app and realised I’ve been neglecting this blog! But now I should have all the time in the world right? Now I am on maternity leave with our bella principessa Aurora Stefania

She is now 7 1/2 weeks old, and already bilingual. I’m learning so much more italian, just listening to her papà speak italian to her. Although I have been told I’m not allowed to speak italian to her, incase I corrupt her accent 😂 I’m allowed to say things like amore mio, principessa, bella mia, piccolina, because I can say those words fine, but I can understand his point. I want her to have a perfect italian accent, not a weirdo version that I have. So because I can’t speak it to her, I instead play her music in italian, we have been listening to Andrea boccelli, giorgia, as well as the italian soundtrack of the movie Moana (or Oceania as they call the italian version) 

I figure because we live in Nuova Zelanda and Aurora is surrounded by English every day, we need to try to implement as much italian at home as possible, although sometimes papà  forgets to speak to her in italian, and I have to remind him. I just say “wrong language”! And he reverts back! But  we read her a pimpa storybook every night, so she will get used to listening to stories in italian, and we have decided when she gets older and can write, we will get her little italian workbooks. Because while a lot of billigual children can speak a language, they can’t always read and write in that language, so we are going to make sure Aurora can do that! I think it might be even better when we eventually have second child, I would absolutely love to hear 3 people speaking italian in the household! How could I not learn it then!! 😂😂 and I would have the best translators when we do go back to Italy! 

Anyhow! Arrivederci! 

I will write again soon! 

Sono senza speranza (I am hopeless)

Ciao a tutti,

How long has it been since I have made an effort to get on here…. clearly too long!

We enjoyed a beautiful 6 week stint in Italy over the italian spring/summer of maggio/giunio. I got to experience my first italian wedding, a trip to the Isle of Capri, I got to see the REAL arche di triomphe (not that pretend one they have in Paris), and I got to spend time with blessed Nonna Rosa! It was absolutely amazing! I cried so much the days before we were leaving, because I didn’t want to go! I will tell you more about the trip in another post (I promise, I won’t leave it forever this time).

On a more exciting note (although a trip to Italy is of course very excited) I brought back a little surprise, I mean the first time we came back to New Zealand I brought a husband home, and now this time, we have brought home a little surprise in my belly 😀 We are expecting a little italian! I have 4 more weeks until we can find out if it’s a little bambina or bambino! But I couldn’t be more thrilled! And hey, it means Matteo will have to start talking to bebè all the time in italian, so I’m sure to pick up more italian then hey!

Well I will write more again soon!

A dopo



Lilli and Biagio (The italian names of Lady and the tramp) are waiting in anticipation for our little roman!


Visiting Anacapri on the isle of Capri

Non vedo l’ora – I can’t wait! 

Ciao a tutti, 

sorry I have been so slack with writing this thing! Ahhhh but it’s less than 2 months until we head back to Italy and bella Roma! Non vedo l’ora! I cannot wait!! And I have to say life in Nuova Zelanda hasn’t been that bad for us! I’ve managed to work off all those pounds/kgs that I put on from all that KFC in London! And then all of nonna‘s pasta when we would go to Roma! Even Matteo is doing really well, he’s at least managing one run a week, and even that small effort is making all the difference! 🙂 I’m just hoping when we do go back to Italia we are not going to put all that effort to waste! I’ve told him he has to take me running when we are over there! And I know he’s already been in contact with his old kickboxing gym teacher back in Roma so he can attend there a couple of times! I’m sure I will get the Anna you always say sempre no from nonna when she try’s to feed me the whole contents of food in her casa in one sitting! Ahhhhh

On a more exciting note (well I find it exciting) Zia Paola sent me a copy of nonno Ermanno‘s family tree, and they can trace it all the way back to 1517!! I mean WOW! I will take a picture over the next couple of days to show you! It’s pretty amazing, even just to read the names is so interesting! 😄

Allora… Ciao! 

I will write again soon! 


Tanti baci 

Notiziaro 1!

Ciao a tutti!

So I managed to finally write my first newsletter! It’s a bit basic for now, but I guess it’s better now than never! And It’s a start! 😀

Click the picture below to check it out if you’re interested! 🙂




Ciao Ciao

Anna x